CheckProperty is a solution provider for millions of homebuyers. It is an online portal for on-demand, independent and unbiased reports of hundreds of projects and real estate developers across India.

A homebuyer has to satisfy himself/herself with answers to a lot of questions before buying a house which could range from location advantages, future prospects, amenities, builder' track record and ability to finish and deliver projects etc. Check Property simplifies these queries for you.

Check Property collects information from multiple sources like websites of RERA, builders, open sources and on-ground reports; and compiles them in an easy-to-understand language after a thorough analysis by experts.

No. Check Property is a one-stop information depository for all queries related to a builder or projects.

No. Check Property doesn’t recommend project. It only gives an unbiased and agenda-free analysis and rates them on the basis of those analyses.

Check Property is a facilitator. It assists you in your due diligence, eases you decision making abilities and helps you understand various aspects of real estate/project/builder. The reports contains deep insights and unbiased analysis on various parameters like location, amenities, future supply and infrastructure development, price etc.

Currently, homebuyers browse through various websites and portals for information where varied information often confuses him/her. Check Property is the answer to that confusion. It is your one stop information depository where you can get details on every aspect of a project or builder. In an easy to understand language.

You simply have to sing in the website to access the report. These report cannot be downloaded or shared.

Our Offerings

Access Verified Reports

Read through highly informative reports on builder, projects and location.

Request Reports

On demand reports on request.


Connect with real estate experts for unbiased opinion.

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